Mother Nature Has Been Downright Mean Lately

Seriously. Like a total wicked, bitter, “B” kind of mean. (Yes, I know, Chicago weather is just remarkable at times, but this is ridiculous). So first, we wake up on October 31st to snow. Ok, that’s not that unusual, as we spent many Halloweens in the ’70’s trick or treating in our winter coats. Besides, this wasn’t our first snow this fall. The carpenters are here, on the roof, building stuff.  Fine, all good.

Then, Mother Nature loses it, and throws high winds our way. Wind speeds of 28 mph and higher. Winds that make it too dangerous to be on the roof. The guys leave at 10:30am and we spend the rest of the day watching lumber blow off the roof. (It was put there to hold the tarp in place). I’m talking 2x4s, plywood sheets, etc. The tarp has torn in a few places, so stuff under the tarp is blowing around, too.  Makes for lots of scary noises accompanied by lots and lots of barking.

Today, we woke up to 25* temps outside. With no roof on the house, you can imagine the temperature inside the house this morning. My feet are still cold. It’s actually warmer in the garage.

No real roof progress on Friday, now it’s the weekend, so that means we only had 4 days of real work this past week. So, we’ll see how things progress this next week. Rain is in the forecast for Tuesday (of course).

Meanwhile, in the garage….I’ve been painting the cedar siding. Priming/sealing the back of the siding, actually. I’m about 25% of the way through. At some point, if the weather warms up, we’ll switch to the exterior blue paint and spray that outside. But for now, it’s rollin’ rollin’ rollin’….inside (rawhide). Ha.

Photos below, enjoy!

About Janet Vrasic

Hey! I'm Janet. I'm not a writer by trade, but this unique opportunity has presented here we go. Moving back into one's childhood home isn't something that happens every day. So as we work to redesign our new home, I'll be documenting and photographing the changes as we drag this 1958 ranch house into a modern home. Plus, you'll get updates on our 3 dogs, the Spice Girls. And other random things!
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