Reflections, Transformations, and Gratitude

As 2014 comes to a close, I feel it’s important to take a brief look back at the year’s events and take stock of all the good things as well as the things we’re glad to leave behind. But more importantly, I wish to look forward at the transformations on the horizon and express gratitude for all the beauty, friendship, love, and abundance we have in our lives.

2014 was a challenge, no doubt about it. Not specifically related to the house project (which came with its own set of challenges, no doubt!) but personally, in regards to dreams, identity, relationships, truth, and focus. As with all challenges, perspective and attitude determine the outcome. I’m excited for 2015, because good things are happening. No, I take that back. Great things are happening!

Like with the ebb and flow of life, people (and things) come and go. I am grateful for people who have come into my life this year, and sad to see those who have left. I am grateful for all my friends and family who have been kind and generous with their time, thoughts, and love. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this wild ride called life, and to be able to engage in this home remodeling project. I am grateful for all my readers, near and far.

I, much like this house, am transforming, changing, growing. I’m excited for all that the new year holds.

May 2015 bring you joy, peace, love, and happiness.


About Janet Vrasic

Hey! I'm Janet. I'm not a writer by trade, but this unique opportunity has presented here we go. Moving back into one's childhood home isn't something that happens every day. So as we work to redesign our new home, I'll be documenting and photographing the changes as we drag this 1958 ranch house into a modern home. Plus, you'll get updates on our 3 dogs, the Spice Girls. And other random things!
This entry was posted in Exterior Remodel, Phase II: Going Up, The House. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Reflections, Transformations, and Gratitude

  1. Marya Taylor says:

    Happy New house Year 2015. Wishing u all the happiness your hearts can hold.

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